Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lily is 3 months old today!

I can't believe it! my baby is  3 months! it's going by so fast and I am trying to treasure  each and every moment, smile, milestone and giggle.

She smiles like crazy! and is such a happy baby.
She is still waking up once during the night to eat, but it's only for about 30 minute so it's not too bad. Though i'm definitely looking forward to sleeping all night some day!
She is holding her head up on her own, and cooing so much! She makes the sweetest noises.
She loves bath time and i'm going to have to find a new bathtub solution. She is out growing her baby bath but i'm not sure i'm ready to put her in our bath tub yet... hmm guess we will see what I come up with.
She is such a joy and being a mother is every bit as wonderful as I had imagined, and so much more!

Look at my adorable 3 month old!

1 comment:

  1. I got a real neat tub for my son (who is 6 mo and is a really big boy). It says its from newborn to 1 year and I can see why. Its big (I put it inside the regular bathtub now) but it'll fit him for a good while.
    Its the Eurobath by Primo (can look on Amazon/BabysRUs etc).
