Friday, May 13, 2011

Lily at 15 months old!

My sweet girl is 15 months old today! She is seriously the most fun, happy, lovey toddler  baby ( shes still my baby!) ever! She just makes me so happy. Me and mike are just amazed by her everyday. She is growing into such a beautiful, spunky girl and I thank God for her everyday.

Her vocabulary has expanded so much and she understands things so well! 
here's what shes saying...

pop pop
moooo when she sees a cow
whooo whoo when we show her an owl
rawr for lion's
quack for duck's
hi rye rye ( our dog)
hi boo boo ( our other dog)
bo bo ( what we call the dog's toys)
baboon ( balloon)

I think that's it..
her most common ones are Momma and Dada and hi rye rye. I hear that ALL DAY LONG she loves her doggies, and they love her too!

She is so sweet and loves to be outside.

Speaking of outside, she had her first real visit to the beach. As you can tell by the look of serious concern on her face, it may take a few more trips to get her to warm up to it! ha

She is wearing 18 months- 24 month cloths
still in size for diapers. 
She take 1-2 naps a day, sometimes she skips one, and just takes one around noon, but some days she takes one at 11 and around 3:30. For about an hour 15 Min's- 2 hours.
Still sleeping from 8pm-8:30am. I love her for this! ha ha
She is very dependent on her baby, "Ba Ba" and her blankie. sleeps with them every night and cuddles them it's very cute!

and yup, she still sucks those fingers.

She is eating well and loves veggies and fruit. 
her personality is beyond adorable. always making funny faces and giggling.
she loves to sniff feet! ha ha
she can point to her nose, eye, ear, hair, belly button and neck when you ask her where they are. 
she LOVES books. She almost always has one in her hand and loves to babble as she flips through the pages. She also loves to sit in your lap and have you read to her.

She is so precious and I feel so lucky everyday!

Miss Mia 28 weeks!

I am 28 weeks as of yesterday! time is just flying by!

Baby girl is doing great, and so am I, though I am definitely feeling the added weight. I have already gained as much weight as I did with Lily. I am 1 lb away from what I weighed the day I delivered her. That kind of shocked me! ha ha all for a good cause. I had my glucose test yesterday, so hopefully that went well. Also, as of 27 weeks my cervix was still closed and baby is up high! what a relief. It's so nice to be pregnant and not on bed rest! Work is getting a little hard, I stopped working 2 weeks ago during Lily's pregnancy so this is new territory for me, ha!

here's the big Ole belly in all its round goodness

I am just so thankful for this little one growing inside me!
our baby "sprinkle" is tomorrow so I'm off to get some last minute things ready for that!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Baby Mia! 26 weeks

Things are going great with miss Mia. I feel like a hugh house, I am MUCH bigger at 26 weeks this time then I was with Lily. I am 26 weeks 3 days, today. Doomsday as I like to call it was on Thursday. The day I turned 26 weeks with Lily was the day I went into pre-term labor, so naturally.. I was a little nervous for 26 weeks. So far, so good. I have had a few braxton hicks here and there, and even a few real, painful contractions. Luckily, the are few and far between. As I get closer to my third trimester (OMG already?!) I am definitely getting more uncomfortable and exhausted. Some days I look at my belly and think how in the heck am I going to get any bigger!? sleep is getting harder also, I have a hard time getting comfy. I have my next OB apt on the 12th. after that I will start bi-weekly visits. 

here's the belly, in all it's glory...

and my hubs in the background picking up shoes, ha

Then Mike and Lily joined in on the fun. we all look a hot mess! oh well, it was a lazy Saturday.

I am really getting excited about how close we are getting to meeting our girl. 
She is very active, Lily was too... but Mia, is insane in there. sometimes I think she will poke right through!