Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A little bit of this, and a little bit of that...

I've been doing a lot of cleaning. We are getting our carpets cleaned tomorrow so I want to have everything nice and neat so that I'll have clean carpets and a perfectly clean house. The task I just can't catch up with is laundry. I sware it's never ending! All 3 of us just have too many cloths.

Lily is changing so much everyday and I'm trying not to miss any of it. She is rolling over every time you put her on her back, she goes right over to her belly. She rolls when i am trying to changer her diaper, then gets upset when I make her stay o her back so I can put her new diaper on! Plus she loves to be naked and loves when i giver her diaper free time.(thankfully there has been minimal accidents) I discovered how much she loves it when she had a rash and her doctor told me to let her have some time without her diaper, she's been hooked ever since. She is starting to sleep through the night more, still not every night but we are getting closer. She has begun to roll over in her sleep and it freaks me out! I'm still uncomfortable with her sleeping on her belly. She rolls from her back to her belly great, but seems to struggle more with going from her belly to her back. She also has a new favorite toy. It was my nephews and I saw Lily enjoying it when I picked her up from my sister's so I brought it home for her. She is such a sweet girl and I am so blessed to have her!

isn't this the cutest picture!? aah I'm so in love :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fun with edits...

A few fun edits....

I'm still learning a lot about the program but figured i'd share a few photos!
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Monday, June 28, 2010

Wedding.Birthday.Baby Shower.Anniversary.

Me and Mike have been busy little bee's lately.

On Thursday we went to a friend wedding at botanical gardens. It was beautiful. We had so much fun. We haven't really been out together since miss Lily was born, so we really enjoyed sometime together. It was also Lily's first sleepover, she stayed with my sister and I was so relieved when she did so well!

On Friday it was mine and Danielle's birthday. We went to ocean breeze water park for the day, while my mom watched our babies. Me, Mike and Danielle had a great time. I love swimming, so I was excited to go. We spent the rest of the evening just hanging out, just us 3. Mike is so awesome when it comes to including my twin sister in everything. Her husband is in the navy, and I'm pretty sure in the 5 years they've been married, he has maybe been here for one of her birthdays. We often joke that he sometimes has 2 wives and 3 kids, rather than just me and Lily. Overall we had a great Birthday, and I loved my gift from Mike. He got a video camera, which I've wanted since Lily was born. :)

On Sunday we went to a friend of ours baby shower. I love all things baby, plus she made it a pool party so I was having a blast. Lily loved swimming, and it was SO hot, so I'm thankful for the time we got in the pool.

Today is Mine and Michael's 2end wedding anniversary! Unfortunately we both had to work but we plan to celebrate Friday! I am so thankful the me and mike found each other and I am truly blessed that he loves me the way he does. I fall more in love with him everyday.

We had a pretty busy weekend so now we are settling back into our Monday routine.
Hope everyone is having a great start to the week!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lily's Story

A year ago today, me and Mike found out that were were pregnant. I can't even put into words what a miracle Lily is. I wanted to write down her story, so I can always remember it, and so that I can share it with others.

On June 23, 2009 I saw the faintest little pink line. I was ecstatic, nervous, excited and anxious all at the same time. The beginning of my pregnancy was pretty normal, We had our first ultrasound at 6 weeks, then another at 8 weeks to check on the baby again because her heartbeat was  little slow at the first ultrasound, All was well and we got our due date of March 6th 2010! I had horrible morning sickness and mood swings and was just plain exhausted! Then on Oct 9th 2009 we found out we were having a healthy baby girl. We decided her name would be Lily Elizabeth. Me and Mike were on cloud 9. I wanted to be a mother so bad and I was thanking God everyday for blessing me with her. I absolutely LOVED being pregnant. all the way up to the day I delivered.

Things went south on Nov 28th 2009. I was 26 weeks. I was at work in the morning, and I was throwing up, and feeling really odd. My stomach was hurting and I knew something was off. Around 2 in the afternoon I decided to call my doctor and head to L & D. I was thinking they would send me home within an hour or so of monitoring me, so I told Mike to stay at work, that everything was fine. Well.. it wasn't. After about 30 minutes of being monitored the nurse came in and said I was having contractions. She checked my cervix and I was 1 cm dilated. I lost it. I had no idea how to feel.. I was trying to get my self together when the nurse said she was going to go call the doctor. I was in labor. How? why? will my baby survive? I picked up the phone to call Mike, he didn't answer.. he must have been on a call. So I called my twin sister and lost it again. I could barley get the words "I'm in labor out". I eventually got a hold of mike and he came to the hospital. After that it's a blur. I had an ultrasound where my doctor said Lily was about 1 lb 14 oz. I can not have a one Pound baby I thought. No way. She said she would do everything she could to stop my labor. Tons of people were coming in and out of my room. I had a round of the steroids to help her lung development and the NICU team came to meet with me and Mike and explain what they would have to do if Lily was born today. I spent the next 5 days in the hospital while they attempted to stop my labor. Finally I stopped contracting. I went home on strict bed rest. I contracted daily and went back into labor at 34 weeks, Thankfully that was also stopped.

During further ultrasounds it looked like Lily was falling behind in growth. She was in the 12th percentile and My doctors said that if she dropped below the 10th they would have to deliver because my placenta may not be doing it's job. Thankfully she stayed in the 11th for the remainder of my pregnancy.

At 36 weeks 6 days I was admitted into L & D to have my baby. I was contracting regularly, but My doctors started Pitocin to speed things along because I had developed preeclampsia. My blood pressure was 171/110. I slept through my labor ( thank goodness for epidurals) at 3:30 am my water broke, the nurse cleaned things up and I feel back asleep. At 6 am I was checked And i was 6 cm. An hour later, something felt strange. I needed to push. They checked me again and I was ready! However my mom was still on her way to the hospital, so I held off pushing as long as I could. She got there and around 8:10 am I began to push. It was exhausting. I have no idea how women can push for 2 hours. About 5 sets of pushes and about 20 minutes later my Lily made her arrival at 8:37am on Feb 13th 2010. On the day I turned 37 weeks. She only made the cut by a few hours, But I had a full term baby.! I was in love. She was beautiful, tiny, and perfect. She was 5 lbs 10 oz, 18 3/4 inches long. we spent the next few hours just enjoying out baby girl.

About 2 hours after giving birth I started to lose my vision. My blood pressure wasn't going down so they started magnesium sulfate. I felt like my body was on fire. Thankfully after 4 days We got to go home and start our life as a family!

I love being a mother so much. Everyday Lily reminds me why I prayed so hard for her. I am so proud to be her mommy.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Lily's first time swimming!

She had such a good time! we went swimming today with my sister, her kids, and my mom. Lily loved it and took to it right away. she was just giggling up a storm! i'm so happy that she enjoyed it and I can't wait until friday when mike is off and he can swim with us! here she is enjoying her first time in the pool!

What a fun day!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Mike's first Father's day, and Lily rolling over !

Happy father's day to all the daddy's!

I am so blessed to have such an amazing father. My dad had always been there for me, and I know he always will. He hold a very special place in my heart and I am very lucky to call him my dad, and Lily is very lucky to have such a loving grandpa, who makes her giggle all the time. She Lights up when she sees her grandpa and it melts my heart.

Lily is also very blessed when it comes to her own daddy. Mike is a better father than I could have ever asked for. He is so hands on, and is truly and equal partner when it comes to raising Lily.  Since the day she was born, even before that, when I was still pregnant.. me and Lily were always his first priority. He worked over-time for 3 months straight so that I could be on bed rest to keep Lily safe. He is so loving and sweet when he is with her, watching him and her together is the best part of my day. He is a natural born father. His father passed away when Mike was 15, just 2 years before we met. I know Mike loves him so much and I know that his father taught him well. It is so awesome knowing that Lily has another grandpa watching over her. I am so thankful to have Mike in my life. 

His first time holding Miss Lily

just adorable!

Mike is looking a little rough here. But it really shows how exhausted we were!
(p.s. isn't she so cute, and tiny!)

 There is nothing better than seeing this!

On another note, Lily has hit another milestone! she is rolling over! she had been very close the past week or so but this evening she officially made it over. How exciting!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

4 Month well baby check up!

Lily Had her 4 month well baby check up today. She
got two shots and has done MUCH better this time then at her 2 month well baby appointment. She cried for about 30 seconds and Mike had to sit with her during them.  Watching her get them makes me want to cry. She seems to be beginning to feel a little better. She is still a little stuffy, but slowly, I think we're moving to the downhill side of this bug she has. Yesterday morning She had her first emergency room visit. She seemed to be having a little bit of trouble breathing, and it scared the crap out of me so I took her in. Luckily it was pretty quick BUT we had the worst care... They came in and went over what medicine they wanted to give her, and one was for vomiting. I quickly told them that my baby wasn't vomiting and the corrected that, but then the nurse said that even though we weren't done, that she was going to discharge us anyway, because they needed to make numbers. Ummm.. excuse me, my daughter is not a number! she is a patient, some one who came to this hospital for care, not to be rushed out! Her pediatrician looked over the prescriptions today and doesn't think she needs any of them. He did a full look over on Lily and said she just needs another wee or so to kick this virus. I fully trust him so hopefully she will be better by next week. The doctor at the hospital didn't even listen to her breathing, so I don't have much faith in him.

Anyway... She was in a wonderful mood at her appointment, just talking away. She is at such a fun age and I am just eating it up!

Here is where she stands....

She weighs 13 lbs 10 oz! (49th percentile)
She is up exactly 8 lbs form her birth weight :) 

She is 24 inches tall! ( 57th percentile)
I have a feeling she is going to take after her daddy in height.

I can't believe her next appointment is her 6 month! OH MY GOSH! she will be half a year. just crazy if you ask me. She is growing too fast.

About 2 weeks old...

My big 4 Month old!



Sunday, June 13, 2010

I have a 4 month old!

I still can't believe Lily is four months old today. It still feels like yesterday that I had her. Heck, I still feel like we just found out we were pregnant!

In the past two weeks Lily has become a completely different baby. She has grown so much!
Here's what my baby has been up too...
  • She giggles! She has let out a few laughs here and there but now she is really giggling. My twin sister seems to be able to get them out the easiest.
  • She is quite the talker. Always cooing and making noises, Sometimes it almost sounds as if she is yelling.
  • Still not sleeping through the night, but we'll get there.
  • She has a little tooth bud! we discovered it on Friday the 11th. it's her bottom right tooth that is coming through. It hasn't broken through yet, But I'm still excited! ( maybe this is why she isn't sleeping through the night)
  • She is starting to hold onto things a lot more now. she loves a little pink rattle she has and grabs onto and holds my shirt, and loves to hold blankets.
  • She is very responsive to people and loves attention. She almost always smiles back at you, when you smile at her.
  • Today she almost rolled over. From her belly to her back. She got all the way over, she just couldn't bring her head all the way around. But  think within the next week or so she'll be a pro.
Being her mother for the past 4 month has been a true blessing. Me and Mike are so grateful to God for blessing us with this little lady:)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sleeping in!

Lily slept until 8:30am this morning :) That never happens. My early bird baby usually wakes up anywhere between 5:30am - 6:30 am. She eats and then is asleep an hour and a half later again.. I have been trying to find a way to get her to sleep until 7 or so, but she totally surprised me when she made it until 8:30!

Other than her new found love for sleeping in, she is changing so much everyday! She is growling! And she thinks it's so funny when she does it. She is also moving so much in her crib at night. I never find her in the same spot that we lay her down. She is either sideways, or has wiggled down a foot or so. 

She is still trying to get over her cold. Her ear infection seems much better, but her cough sounds just terrible. The doctor keeps saying she just has to work through it, But I hate hearing it. Her 4 month well baby apt is next week ad if her cough hasn't improved by then I'm going to expect them to look a little further into it. A friend of mine has 3 children all under 4 and the all have bronchitis! I would hate for Lily to have something like that, that they are just passing off as a cold.

Well until next time, I'm off to enjoy the morning with my little Lily pie.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Rough night equals a rough day.

My little lady has been quite fussy...
Last night was pretty rough. Mike had to work so I was home by myself with her, and I struggled. Normally, Lily goes to be very easy. take about 30 minute in her room and she's out. but last night.. it took 2 hours! @ stinkin' hours. And guess how long she stayed asleep? Not even 3 hours! By 1am I was exhausted and I threw in the towel and came down stairs and put her in her swing. She slept for about 3 hours there. Mike came home and let me go to sleep, Thank goodness! Not only was I exhausted but I'm fighting off a nasty sinus bug and I was feeling terrible.

I was hoping last night was just an off night, But her fussiness continued all day today. She has an ear infection, So at first I thought maybe that was bothering her, then I thought maybe she was teething. who knows... But he is asleep now and hopefully tonight is much easier.

The other day I bought her new hair bows and LOVE them. Here she is sporting her new pink one!

On another note.... I've been finding lots of projects around my house that I wanna tackle. First of all, our backyard is a mess! our border collie, Riley goes out and digs, and digs, and digs! I can't get him to stop! he pulls up roots everywhere. So before we clean up and get our backyard all pretty, I'm going to have to find a way to get Mr. Riley to behave.

Friday, June 4, 2010

My little mover...

I have been so busy! My sister went home on wedensday and Me and mike have been picking up the house ever since! Going from the 3 of us to 6 people in the house was exhausting. But I was glad to have so much time with them, and she'd do the same for me. But i am glad to be back to our normal routine.

Lily is growing so fast. We recently started waking up to a suprise. I don't know how she does it, But lily is turning completly sideways in her crib through the night. I think she may be pushing with her legs, becuase she did it last night on her changing table as I was changing her. She is getting mobile! HA! slowly but surely! Here is how she started the night. with her head at the top of her crib...

And when we woke up this morning this is how I found my little mover...

I love it! I am so blessed.

She is also becoming even more active during bathtime. She goes nuts in her bath tub! I love bathtime before bed becuase she tuckers herself out with all the kicking and moving she does! She loves to be in the water! I can't wait to see if she likes pools just as much as the bath.

splashing around!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!