Monday, August 29, 2011

Mia's Birth Story :)

On the morning of Aug 11th at 6 am I checked into the hospital to be induced. Though it wasn't my birth plan, I was 41 weeks pregnant and came to the decision that it was the right time for her to join us! My doctor was only going to let me go until the 15th anyway, so I just accepted the new plan and started preparing.

When we arrived, we got all situated and the nurses ran some blood work and by 7 am they started my pitocin. I was 3 cm and 70 % effaced when we started so I was hopeful that things would move quickly. After a small disagreement with my doctor over how much intervention I wanted ( she wanted to break my water herself, and I refused. I wanted it to do it on it's own. It did with lily and I wasn't in a rush. The doctor seemed to be rushing my labor, and that really upset me. ) By about 11am I started to really feel contractions. I decided to get some IV pain meds, since I as worried an epidural would slow my labor, It didn't slow things down at all with Lily, so I'm not sure why I worried this time. Well the IV meds didn't do a thing. NOTHING! about 5 minutes later I was in full blown hysterics. These contractions were 10 fold worse than what I experienced with Lily. I hate to admit that I was that obnoxious, screaming mom in labor. The doctor even heard from the hall and came in to have my pitocin turned off because she was afraid I wouldn't get my epidural in time. within 20 minutes or so heaven sent me the beautiful epidural god! hahaha.

After I was all comfy my water broke, so the nurse came in and checked me. This was at 1:30 pm and I was 5 cm. Things went by SO fast after this. by 2:30  I as 7 cm and then at 3:30 I was complete and ready to push!  I couldn't believe I was only in labor for 8 hours! I held off pushing for a few minutes because I was waiting for my dad who was rushing to get to the hospital. Through out my labor and while we were waiting Mia had given us a few scares with her heart rate dropping, and she started to have a good amount while I was waiting for my dad. Thankfully right as we decided for Mia's sake I needed to start pushing, My dad walked through the door. I am so blessed to say that, just like with Lily, I only pushed for about 15 minutes before sweet Mia arrived at 4:14. She was perfect and all I could do is cry. It was my second time but having a baby is seriously the most life altering, memorable moments someone can ever experience. I am so thankful God let me experience it for a second time. After she was cleaned up some I nursed her and my family loved on her.

I called my sister, I was so sad that she wasn't able to be there.. but thankful for skype!
She sent me roses that arrived to hospital :)

This recovery has been much harder than Lily's. I have had some complications with a retained placenta and it has really been a mess to deal with. Hopefully things are getting better and I will be able to avoid a D&C to remove the rest. I'll know more after my doctors apt. tomorrow.

I have lots to write about - Lily meeting Mia for the first time and Mia's first few weeks so far. Lily has been so great and I am so thankful for these girls! Me and mike are just soaking up every second!!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Little artist

Today me and Lily tried out her sidewalk chalk for the first time! I was in target the other day, and it was clearnced out for 68 cent! heck yeah! so I got one for her, and one for my nephew, Dylan. ( along with a few other good Clarence finds!) She enjoyed being outside and did ok coloring. She doesn't quite understand that she had to apply a little more pressure for the chalk to really show up, but I know the more we do it, the better she will get. 

Our weekend plans include another trip to Ocean breeze tomorrow, and I think we will try the chalk again too! This time daddy will join in on the fun! I am really trying to do as much stuff with Lily as possible, even if its just having fun playing on the the floor together. She has big changes coming and I hope she adjust alright. I am having tons of contractions ( though, they never get regular) and as of last Thursday I was 2 cm 50 % effaced! hopefully soon!!!


Monday, July 25, 2011

weekend fun!

We had a great weekend. A little bit of cleaning mixed in with lots of playtime. Saturday me and Mike hung around the house most of the day and got some organizing and cleaning done. After dinner we decided to take Lily to a park we had never been to before, called fun forest. It's a little too big for her.. it's perfect for ages 3 and up... but she still had a blast. she loves to be outside and running around. And of course they had her two favorite things. " eings" and " Ides" 

Sunday I worked for a few hours in the morning and then came home and crashed! me and Lily both enjoyed a nice 2 hour nap. And daddy enjoyed some quiet time watching a movie. After that we hung around the house and ran a few errands. We decided around 4 to head to ocean breeze water park for a little while. We went and picked up my niece Madison, who had been with her Nana for the weekend and off we went. The past 2 times we have went, Lily has really opened up. She has been having a BLAST and it's so fun to watch her having such a good time. She did an awesome job on the slides and was non stop giggling the whole time we were there!

I'm sure the poor children thought a whale was flying towards them all day! ha
  Enjoying the slide!


 Madison going down the drop slides all by her self.
 relaxing after a fun filled day.

even Mia had fun! she was kicking up a storm.

hope everyone had a great weekend!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Mia's maternity photo shoot!

Once again, we had the best photographer do maternity photos for us. Katy Blevins always delivers the goods, and I am eternally thankful that just 3WEEKS after having twins she took the time out to take my photos. I was 37 weeks 6 days when she took them and though we rushed due to the devil mosquito's - I mean REALLY bad mosquito's! we got some great shots!

This one may be my favorite!

 Though I am feeling bigger than ever... and the 40 lbs I have put on ( double what I gained with Lily) make me feel less than " glowing"... these pictures make me feel so pretty during pregnancy. Even if my face is massive, ha.

Lily was more interested in the flowers and grass, but we managed to get a few with her also! can't believe she is about to be a big sister!

We can't wait to hold you in our arms miss Mia!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

37 weeks!

Today I am 37 weeks 4 days pregnant. I am anxious for Mia to get here, but totally nervous too!
Things are going well, I am still working about 20 hours a week, and I am very proud of myself for that! because some days it is not easy. I had already had Lily by now during her pregnancy so some days I feel like how will I ever make it to my due date with being so uncomfortable. Sleep is off and on.. some nights are better than others. Mia is still moving great, and sometimes I am in physical pain due to her movements!  I am FINALLY getting maternity photos dome on Wednesday, so I am very excited for that! I also have an apt Friday, and am hoping to hear I have had some progress. last Thursday I was 1 cm dilated and still pretty thick so I knew it would still be a while. but who knows, really, it's all on Mia's time. I wish I had like a mom intuition on if labor was close but I have no idea. today I felt great and thought that she seems totally comfy in there. Other days I feel like she is going to fall out at any moment! ha ha. Mia is going to pick the perfect day for her to arrive, and I can't wait to meet her and see her sweet face!

Large and in charge, ha ha.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Lily Pie at 17 months!

Lily is now 17 months, I can't believe how fast it's all going.

Her personality is SO crazy now! Me and Mike are loving every second of it. her favorite things right now are "ings" Lily talk for swings. She could stay on those things for hours, haha. She is adventures, spunky and knows what she wants. Which also means I am tired by 3pm most days and she has thrown at least 2 fits by the time her daddy gets home. (on a good day! ha) Her fits are not terrible, normally only last about a minute then she realizes I am not paying attention to it, but sometimes... oh lord. She is in the headbutting, or banging her head on the floor, table, or what ever is close stage. Any advice on what has worked for other moms when it comes to those nasty toddler fits is welcome!

Her vocabulary is soaring. I sware she learns a new word every day. her newest are..

slide "ide"
go (which is accompanied by an adorable hand movement)

her daddy is by far her favorite person, and she loves to try and push me into giving him a hug and then come join us. it melts my heart when she wants us all to cuddle together!

She is still over the moon about books, and still loves her stuffed animals and blankets. Animals are also high on her list. she loves cats, cows, doggies and ducks the most right now.

She was looking at the cows at the zoo and going " moooo"

She is 25 pounds and still in size 4 diaper.
She wears anything from 18 months to 24 months cloths and even some 2T stuff.
She now will point to my belly and say baby, though I know she has no comprehension that an actual baby is in there.
Speaking of babies, any child under 5, she calls a baby.

I am the LUCKIEST mom. Period.

This would be the longest post ever if I took the time to write down everything amazing about her, even on our hardest days, there is nothing like having such a sweet child. She is just perfect!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

when life hands you lemons....

Things in the Thompson household have been crazy. We have made a lot of changes, good changes... but hard changes to make. Me and Mike currently rent, it had worked for us for the last 3 years, however with a growing family, we wanted a more permanent place to plants our roots. We realized though, that what we wanted to buy, a single family home in a good neighborhood, with a nice outdoor space was still a little out of our reach. We sat down and figured out how long until we could become debt free in order to buy a house that we really loved, and could also afford. In our current living situation it would take about 2 years.   That is longer than we wanted.... so we were offered another option. The dreaded "move in with the in-laws and save like crazy" option. At first, I wont lie... my reaction was "Hell NO" then I sat down in did the math. we could be debt free in 6 months. 6 MONTHS!! that changed my mind quick. I love my mother  in law, and though neither me or Mike really wanted to move back "home" we decided for our future, and our girls future it was the best thing we could do for our family right now. So over the weekend we moved everything over. Lily has adjusted alright... bedtime is fine but she is only napping for about 40 minutes. Not ideal. Hopefully in a few more weeks she will fully adjust. We are now just organizing and setting things up for Mia, who will be here in GASP 3 weeks! ( a monthly update for Lily and a preggo post are on the way, but as you can see life has been hectic) We are now in save every penny mode while we excitedly look forward to our new soon to be debt free life. A life that includes the house of my dreams. Or at least my dream starter home. We want the house we buy to be the house the kids at least go through elementary school in, so being given this opportunity is a blessing. Even if it's not what I wanted.

Hope everyone had a great 4th, and I'll be sure to get back on the bloggy band wagon now that I have my life in order again!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Lily at 15 months old!

My sweet girl is 15 months old today! She is seriously the most fun, happy, lovey toddler  baby ( shes still my baby!) ever! She just makes me so happy. Me and mike are just amazed by her everyday. She is growing into such a beautiful, spunky girl and I thank God for her everyday.

Her vocabulary has expanded so much and she understands things so well! 
here's what shes saying...

pop pop
moooo when she sees a cow
whooo whoo when we show her an owl
rawr for lion's
quack for duck's
hi rye rye ( our dog)
hi boo boo ( our other dog)
bo bo ( what we call the dog's toys)
baboon ( balloon)

I think that's it..
her most common ones are Momma and Dada and hi rye rye. I hear that ALL DAY LONG she loves her doggies, and they love her too!

She is so sweet and loves to be outside.

Speaking of outside, she had her first real visit to the beach. As you can tell by the look of serious concern on her face, it may take a few more trips to get her to warm up to it! ha

She is wearing 18 months- 24 month cloths
still in size for diapers. 
She take 1-2 naps a day, sometimes she skips one, and just takes one around noon, but some days she takes one at 11 and around 3:30. For about an hour 15 Min's- 2 hours.
Still sleeping from 8pm-8:30am. I love her for this! ha ha
She is very dependent on her baby, "Ba Ba" and her blankie. sleeps with them every night and cuddles them it's very cute!

and yup, she still sucks those fingers.

She is eating well and loves veggies and fruit. 
her personality is beyond adorable. always making funny faces and giggling.
she loves to sniff feet! ha ha
she can point to her nose, eye, ear, hair, belly button and neck when you ask her where they are. 
she LOVES books. She almost always has one in her hand and loves to babble as she flips through the pages. She also loves to sit in your lap and have you read to her.

She is so precious and I feel so lucky everyday!

Miss Mia 28 weeks!

I am 28 weeks as of yesterday! time is just flying by!

Baby girl is doing great, and so am I, though I am definitely feeling the added weight. I have already gained as much weight as I did with Lily. I am 1 lb away from what I weighed the day I delivered her. That kind of shocked me! ha ha all for a good cause. I had my glucose test yesterday, so hopefully that went well. Also, as of 27 weeks my cervix was still closed and baby is up high! what a relief. It's so nice to be pregnant and not on bed rest! Work is getting a little hard, I stopped working 2 weeks ago during Lily's pregnancy so this is new territory for me, ha!

here's the big Ole belly in all its round goodness

I am just so thankful for this little one growing inside me!
our baby "sprinkle" is tomorrow so I'm off to get some last minute things ready for that!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Baby Mia! 26 weeks

Things are going great with miss Mia. I feel like a hugh house, I am MUCH bigger at 26 weeks this time then I was with Lily. I am 26 weeks 3 days, today. Doomsday as I like to call it was on Thursday. The day I turned 26 weeks with Lily was the day I went into pre-term labor, so naturally.. I was a little nervous for 26 weeks. So far, so good. I have had a few braxton hicks here and there, and even a few real, painful contractions. Luckily, the are few and far between. As I get closer to my third trimester (OMG already?!) I am definitely getting more uncomfortable and exhausted. Some days I look at my belly and think how in the heck am I going to get any bigger!? sleep is getting harder also, I have a hard time getting comfy. I have my next OB apt on the 12th. after that I will start bi-weekly visits. 

here's the belly, in all it's glory...

and my hubs in the background picking up shoes, ha

Then Mike and Lily joined in on the fun. we all look a hot mess! oh well, it was a lazy Saturday.

I am really getting excited about how close we are getting to meeting our girl. 
She is very active, Lily was too... but Mia, is insane in there. sometimes I think she will poke right through!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter 2011

We had a wonderful Easter! I slacked on getting Lily's basket together so the night before I left it in Mike's hands. He was working overnight so I told him while he was out in between calls to grab stuff for her basket. He did an awesome job if I do say so myself. It was fun to see her pick the things out of her basket. The winner, of course was the "baboon" She loves balloons so Mike knew this would be a hit. She also loves the little plastic eggs. We didn't even fill them with anything since she can't have candy ( though she did have a bite of mommy's Reese's egg) But she still loved them. she just walked around saying "ball! ball!" very cute.

After we got settled we headed to the Hunt Club, a local farm that puts on events for kids during holidays. I was so happy to see that Lily caught on to the egg hunt pretty quick. She was so proud of herself for putting eggs in her basket. She also loved the bigger eggs.. or balls, haha. 

She even did alright sitting on the bunny's lap... though I couldn't get a smile. 

Here is her photo from her first Easter 2010

And this Easter.. 2011. Look how she has grown! blows my mind. I can't even imagine going with 2 kids next year!!

She enjoyed the petting zoo part, though she wouldn't touch a goat for anything. she enjoyed saying "hi boo boo" which is what she calls our dog, Bailey. I guess they looked similar to her, ha.

After Hunt club we had lunch at Mike's grandma's house where Lily enjoyed running around in the backyard. She was so sweet and probably picked his grandmothers garden clean. Girl loves some flowers. I don't mind though ( his grandma might! haha) I think it's sweet that she goes " mom, flower!" she is really talking these days. I'll save that for when I do her 14th month post... which in true Stephanie fashion is going to be 2 weeks late.

We really enjoyed a nice day together, hope yours was great too!