Monday, April 19, 2010

Back at work...

Yes, back to work I went today. After 5 months off!

When I first stopped working after I went into preterm labor and was put on bed rest I was miserable. All I could think about washow badly I wanted to be working. (crazy, huh?!) I was so bored on bed rest, I would even cry some days because of how bored and alone I felt. But I knew it was for a bigger purpose, and I was going to do everything in my power to keep Lily from coming early. The day she was born I lost ALL desire to go back to work. Now that I was "free" and could go any where I wanted, and wasn't restricted to being at home on the sofa, I was loving being out of work. For weeks I dreaded the thought of going back, for tons of reasons... I don't want to miss anything! I want to be there when she rolls over for the first time, giggles, or sits up. Also, she still isn't sleeping that great at night. One night she will do aweosme, the next night.. not so much. I am a person who likes my sleep! I was worried how I would do having to go back and work on little sleep. Plus, Mike and I were able to spend a lot of time together these past 5 months. He works his 40 hours a week in 3 days, so thurs- sun we spent all day together. I really enjoyed that, and it's something I know I will miss.

Overall, my first day back was much better then I expected. I got to see so many people that I missed. The regulars who come in everyday and I already know what drink they are going to get and exactly how they want it. I caught on pretty quick and remembered pretty much everything. It was smooth and the day didn't drag too slow. It turns out I enjoyed it, not the being away from Lily part, but it was nice to have a few adult conversations. I'll only be working about 25-30 hours, which is a big relief. Also, I stepped down from my managment position. At first I had no intentions of this. Once she was born, that changed. She is my priority and I want to be able to go to work and come home to her. As a supervisor I was always having to hang over some one, and push this or make sure the baristas are doing this and that. I realized I just wanna clock in and out, and be done.

I'm glad I finally got over the big hurdle and went back.. though if given the oppertunity I can't say I wouldn't jump ship and stay home!

1 comment:

  1. The work/baby balance is hard. I worked part-time after my first child was born and I was conflicted and now I'm at home and I'm not loving that either- I think that's motherhood- always being caught in the middle.

    Glad it went well today- enjoy your adult conversations!
