Monday, July 18, 2011

Lily Pie at 17 months!

Lily is now 17 months, I can't believe how fast it's all going.

Her personality is SO crazy now! Me and Mike are loving every second of it. her favorite things right now are "ings" Lily talk for swings. She could stay on those things for hours, haha. She is adventures, spunky and knows what she wants. Which also means I am tired by 3pm most days and she has thrown at least 2 fits by the time her daddy gets home. (on a good day! ha) Her fits are not terrible, normally only last about a minute then she realizes I am not paying attention to it, but sometimes... oh lord. She is in the headbutting, or banging her head on the floor, table, or what ever is close stage. Any advice on what has worked for other moms when it comes to those nasty toddler fits is welcome!

Her vocabulary is soaring. I sware she learns a new word every day. her newest are..

slide "ide"
go (which is accompanied by an adorable hand movement)

her daddy is by far her favorite person, and she loves to try and push me into giving him a hug and then come join us. it melts my heart when she wants us all to cuddle together!

She is still over the moon about books, and still loves her stuffed animals and blankets. Animals are also high on her list. she loves cats, cows, doggies and ducks the most right now.

She was looking at the cows at the zoo and going " moooo"

She is 25 pounds and still in size 4 diaper.
She wears anything from 18 months to 24 months cloths and even some 2T stuff.
She now will point to my belly and say baby, though I know she has no comprehension that an actual baby is in there.
Speaking of babies, any child under 5, she calls a baby.

I am the LUCKIEST mom. Period.

This would be the longest post ever if I took the time to write down everything amazing about her, even on our hardest days, there is nothing like having such a sweet child. She is just perfect!

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