It's almost here. I see one swollen bump on my baby's gum. And believe me, Lily isn't happy about it. She Has definitely been fussier than normal. For about 3 days she would hardly nap, and nothing helped the poor girl. So far, the thing we found that works the best is Tylenol and baby orajel. And she also really loves chewing/sucking on wet or frozen wash cloths. Teething ring are nice for a little bit but She doesn't seem to like how cold it i on her hands. Though it still hasn't poked through she is getting back to her old self. She is now napping and sleeping normally again, and only has the occasional " I hate teething" hissy fit. As for me, I'm just taking it all in... trying to make sure I always remember this smile, Her FIRST smile. Her first toothless smile. Here soon, she'll have a new smile, full of little teeth. It's all going so quickly.
Wish us luck while we begin our teething adventure.
The wash cloths work! Yes! Hope she feels better!