Life has been crazy the past 2 weeks. Lily has been changing so much. She is getting much better about sleeping. But sometimes it does still seem like we take 2 steps forward then 3 steps back. She recently slept through the night 2 nights in a row. For the first time ever! But that was followed by 3 TERRIBLE nights. This teething thing is really kicking her butt at bedtime, and during naps. She also recently has gotten a cold, or at least a stuffy/ nose cough thing. This is also bothering her at night. The good news/ bad news ( yes, it's good and bad) She is taking a pacifier at nap time! She would have nothing to do with a pacifier for the longest time, and it's so nice that she is taking one now and it helps soothe her. The bad part, I don't want her to be crazy about them, and me have to wrestle it away from her when she's older. We'll just see if she even continues to take it before I worry about braking the paci habit HA!
Other than that she is such a joy! she is still such a happy baby and me and mike are loving it! We started baby food, and my little pig goes crazy for it! Though it has made her BM kind of hard so I think I may take a break for a day then start back with the first kind we tried and stick with each for a little longer to really make sure she does ok with that flavor. So far she loves Sweet Potato's the most!
This is her " Ok Mom, I'm done now!" face. HA!
Tonight after the kiddies are asleep me and my sister are going to see a movie! We're going to see Charlie St. Cloud. Mike has no desire to go so it'll just be us, it's nice to have some time with my sister, since her move to Key West is fast approaching.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!