Friday, July 30, 2010

It's been a while.

Life has been crazy the past 2 weeks. Lily has been changing so much. She is getting much better about sleeping. But sometimes it does still seem like we take 2 steps forward then 3 steps back. She recently slept through the night 2 nights in a row. For the first time ever! But that was followed by 3 TERRIBLE nights. This teething thing is really kicking her butt at bedtime, and during naps. She also recently has gotten a cold, or at least a stuffy/ nose cough thing. This is also bothering her at night. The good news/ bad news ( yes, it's good and bad) She is taking a pacifier at nap time! She would have nothing to do with a pacifier for the longest time, and it's so nice that she is taking one now and it helps soothe her. The bad part, I don't want her to be crazy about them, and me have to wrestle it away from her when she's older. We'll just see if she even continues to take it before I worry about braking the paci habit HA!

Other than that she is such a joy! she is still such a happy baby and me and mike are loving it! We started baby food, and my little pig goes crazy for it! Though it has made her BM kind of hard so I think I may take a break for a day then start back with the first kind we tried and stick with each for a little longer to really make sure she does ok with that flavor. So far she loves Sweet Potato's the most!

 This is her " Ok Mom, I'm done now!" face. HA!


Tonight after the kiddies are asleep me and my sister are going to see a movie! We're going to see Charlie St. Cloud. Mike has no desire to go so it'll just be us, it's nice to have some time with my sister, since her move to Key West is fast approaching.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Monday, July 19, 2010

The dreaded first tooth.

It's almost here. I see one swollen bump on my baby's gum. And believe me, Lily isn't happy about it. She Has definitely been fussier than normal. For about 3 days she would hardly nap, and nothing helped the poor girl.  So far, the thing we found that works the best is Tylenol and baby orajel. And she also really loves chewing/sucking on wet or frozen wash cloths. Teething ring are nice for a little bit but She doesn't seem to like how cold it i on her hands. Though it still hasn't poked through she is getting back to her old self. She is now napping and sleeping normally again, and only has the occasional " I hate teething" hissy fit. As for me, I'm just taking it all in... trying to make sure I always remember this smile, Her FIRST smile. Her first toothless smile. Here soon, she'll have a new smile, full of little teeth. It's all going so quickly.

Wish us luck while we begin our teething adventure.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Lily is 5 Months old!

Today, My sweet little lady is 5 months old. WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE?! I can't believe next month we will be celebrating her half birthday. Lily is doing so many new and exciting things. 

  • She can balance sitting up for about a minute, and then starts to fall, but she is getting better everyday.
  • She is rolling over every time we put her on her back and almost always sleeps on her belly. it scares me to death, but I must say.. she does sleep a lot better on her belly.
  • Speaking of sleep, she STILL, yes I said it, STILL doesn't sleep through the night. She will randomly do it about 2-3 times a week but its not permanent yet. I'm taking it with a grain of salt. I know when she is 18 I will long for one night when she wakes up and still needs me. 
  •  She is SO giggly. Always cracking up. She was laughing so hard tonight that she was spiting her cereal every where!
  • She loves the doggies, and loves when they bark.
  • She thinks swimming and bath time are the coolest thing ever.
  • She is still in size 2 diapers, but they are getting a little snug.
One thing is for sure. This Little girl has brought so much joy to my and mike's life. We are such lucky parents! :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Flamingo party!

Saturday Me and Lily went to a flamingo party with my sister! We had a great time. Mike was out of town with a few of his guy friends on a tubing trip, so we enjoyed a nice girls weekend. Lily had a great time swimming even though it was a little cloudy.  She is so calm and chilled out in pools!

She is definitly a little water bug.

I was so excited that I already had the perfect out for the flamingo party!

Gosh, She looked cute!

The party was so much fun! we Had a great weekend, but we are happy that daddy is home!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Holiday weekend re-cap!

We had such a great 4th of July weekend. 

Saturday me, mike and my sister went to a friends of ours surprise birthday party. We had tons of fun hanging out and most of them have babies around Lily's age so we had a great time hanging out. Our friend lives in northern VA so we don't see them as often as we'd like.

Not only is Sunday America;s birthday, But it also happens to me my Dad's. My family came to our house this year and we had a mini cook-out and enjoyed Ice cream cake for his birthday. We all chipped in and got him a tour through back bay in kayak's. Him and My mom went today and they really had a good time, I'm so glad he liked his gift! 

After Ice cream we packed up and headed to Mt. Trashmore for fire works. We parked close to my work and walked from there. I was so pleased to find that it wasn't too crowded hen we got there. We arrived at about 7:30pm and there was still ton of good spots on the Hill. Lily, Dylan and Madison had a BLAST being out side. The weather was perfect, about 85ish and a great breeze and they loved just laying on the blanket looking up at the clouds.

I just can't believe we got a picture of them ALL SMILING! oh my gosh!

Lily was in a great moos and looked cute as a button in her outfit!

She also was all giggles while we were walking to the park. She much prefers to be riding front and center with daddy, than in her stroller...

Even though she slept through her first fireworks ( I expected this, she is a very scheduled baby and is always in bed by 8:30, so I didn't think she'd make it until the fireworks) We had so much fun and I will always remember her first one! I'm glad my parents, sister and her babies could be with us on this special holiday! And me, mike and Lily had such a great 4th!