Lily Had her 4 month well baby check up today. She
got two shots and has done MUCH better this time then at her 2 month well baby appointment. She cried for about 30 seconds and Mike had to sit with her during them. Watching her get them makes me want to cry. She seems to be beginning to feel a little better. She is still a little stuffy, but slowly, I think we're moving to the downhill side of this bug she has. Yesterday morning She had her first emergency room visit. She seemed to be having a little bit of trouble breathing, and it scared the crap out of me so I took her in. Luckily it was pretty quick BUT we had the worst care... They came in and went over what medicine they wanted to give her, and one was for vomiting. I quickly told them that my baby wasn't vomiting and the corrected that, but then the nurse said that even though we weren't done, that she was going to discharge us anyway, because they needed to make numbers. Ummm.. excuse me, my daughter is not a number! she is a patient, some one who came to this hospital for care, not to be rushed out! Her pediatrician looked over the prescriptions today and doesn't think she needs any of them. He did a full look over on Lily and said she just needs another wee or so to kick this virus. I fully trust him so hopefully she will be better by next week. The doctor at the hospital didn't even listen to her breathing, so I don't have much faith in him.
Anyway... She was in a wonderful mood at her appointment, just talking away. She is at such a fun age and I am just eating it up!
Here is where she stands....
She weighs 13 lbs 10 oz! (49th percentile)
She is up exactly 8 lbs form her birth weight :)
She is 24 inches tall! ( 57th percentile)
I have a feeling she is going to take after her daddy in height.
I can't believe her next appointment is her 6 month! OH MY GOSH! she will be half a year. just crazy if you ask me. She is growing too fast.
About 2 weeks old...
My big 4 Month old!
I would contact the hospital administrator of the hospital you went to. Sounds awful to me and they should be made aware of that sort of foolishness.