Thursday, October 11, 2012

Blogger round 2!

So here we go.. Attempt number two at blogging. Somewhere in the midst of midnight feedings, baby giggles and sequels I gave on on writing here. But the truth is I love having something that I can look back on. A place for all my memories. A place that somewhat chronicals my everyday adventures with my two sweet little girls and their crazy daddy. What I have realized is, tomorrow is never promised. I don't write for anyone but myself... But how amazing would it be if I left behind something for my children. I attempted a diary of some sort but its much easier to have spell check ;) truthfully I want my girls (and future Thompson's) to have a real tangible thing to look back and read.  Something I can look back and read... Something to capture those moments and feelings that get lost and hard to remember. So here we go. I'm back!! Update coming!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Finally.. im back.

   Long time no talk, but I hope to change that here soon. LOTS to update on. but here is a peek at my little ladies!!