On the morning of Aug 11th at 6 am I checked into the hospital to be induced. Though it wasn't my birth plan, I was 41 weeks pregnant and came to the decision that it was the right time for her to join us! My doctor was only going to let me go until the 15th anyway, so I just accepted the new plan and started preparing.
When we arrived, we got all situated and the nurses ran some blood work and by 7 am they started my pitocin. I was 3 cm and 70 % effaced when we started so I was hopeful that things would move quickly. After a small disagreement with my doctor over how much intervention I wanted ( she wanted to break my water herself, and I refused. I wanted it to do it on it's own. It did with lily and I wasn't in a rush. The doctor seemed to be rushing my labor, and that really upset me. ) By about 11am I started to really feel contractions. I decided to get some IV pain meds, since I as worried an epidural would slow my labor, It didn't slow things down at all with Lily, so I'm not sure why I worried this time. Well the IV meds didn't do a thing. NOTHING! about 5 minutes later I was in full blown hysterics. These contractions were 10 fold worse than what I experienced with Lily. I hate to admit that I was that obnoxious, screaming mom in labor. The doctor even heard from the hall and came in to have my pitocin turned off because she was afraid I wouldn't get my epidural in time. within 20 minutes or so heaven sent me the beautiful epidural god! hahaha.
After I was all comfy my water broke, so the nurse came in and checked me. This was at 1:30 pm and I was 5 cm. Things went by SO fast after this. by 2:30 I as 7 cm and then at 3:30 I was complete and ready to push! I couldn't believe I was only in labor for 8 hours! I held off pushing for a few minutes because I was waiting for my dad who was rushing to get to the hospital. Through out my labor and while we were waiting Mia had given us a few scares with her heart rate dropping, and she started to have a good amount while I was waiting for my dad. Thankfully right as we decided for Mia's sake I needed to start pushing, My dad walked through the door. I am so blessed to say that, just like with Lily, I only pushed for about 15 minutes before sweet Mia arrived at 4:14. She was perfect and all I could do is cry. It was my second time but having a baby is seriously the most life altering, memorable moments someone can ever experience. I am so thankful God let me experience it for a second time. After she was cleaned up some I nursed her and my family loved on her.
I called my sister, I was so sad that she wasn't able to be there.. but thankful for skype!
She sent me roses that arrived to hospital :)
This recovery has been much harder than Lily's. I have had some complications with a retained placenta and it has really been a mess to deal with. Hopefully things are getting better and I will be able to avoid a D&C to remove the rest. I'll know more after my doctors apt. tomorrow.
I have lots to write about - Lily meeting Mia for the first time and Mia's first few weeks so far. Lily has been so great and I am so thankful for these girls! Me and mike are just soaking up every second!!