My Baby girl is 6 months old now! Oh my goodness!
( she was 6 months on the 13th, I'm late)
Things have gotten a little tougher in mommy land, she is much more fussy and just doesn't seem as happy. I'm not sure what's going on but to be honest, this is the first time that being a mom has really exhausted me. Our biggest issues are her eating habits have changed a lot. She is now not eating baby food or cereal, when she was chowing down before. I don't think it's a flavor thing because she has had tons and has been eating the baby food and cereal for almost 2 months now. She is also only eating 4 oz at random times and is off her day time schedule, besides naps, they have still been happening around the same time as normal. Our other issue is bed time. She used to go down SO easy. We would just lay her down after her night time feeding and bam she was out. Now she'll maybe eat 2 oz at bedtime the tosses and turns sometimes cries for 20 minutes or so. some nights we have to go up and rock her a little, some times she can just fall asleep on her own. She isn't sleeping as well anymore, I'm assuming because maybe she isn't eating as much? But she is now waking up around 5:30 am then eating and going back to sleep until about 8. I am hoping it's just a phase that will soon pass.
Other than that she is moving and a shaking! she's so active. Here is the new things she's doing at 6 months old!
She is 16 lbs 10 oz (60th)
She is 26 inches tall ( 56th)
She is pretty much sitting up on her own
She is pushing up on her arms during tummy time but hasn't come up on her knees at all yet.
She loves toys that light up and make music.
She LOVES her feet and they are ALWAYS in her hands.
She is in size 3 diapers.
She loves when I sing patty cake. She always giggles :)
She has attempted a sippy cup, and high chair ( more about those in my next post.)
She is learning to throw little mini hissy fits. If a toy or something she wants is taken away she will start to cry. poor baby ha.
She also had her first water park adventure, I'll post about that soon!!