Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Lily's 6 month pictures!

On Saturday me and Mike took Lily to get her 6 month photos taken. We LOVE our photographer, Katy Blevins. She has photographed our wedding, maternity, Lily's newborn photo's and now these. If your in the Virginia Beach area, I definitely recommend her!

Lily was in SUCH A GREAT MOOD! She was so smiley and giggly. The girl loves attention, and knows what a camera is, and she was just tickled about being the center of attention. I love so many of them I'm having the hardest time picking which ones to frame!

sorry for the crazy amount of photos... I just can't narrow it down!!

One of my favorites. She was looking at her daddy:)

I just can't get enough of them!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

sneak peek.

I'm on my way out the door to go to dinner, But Lily got some pictures done over the weekend, and I cant wait to share them. here's a sneak peek to hold you, and me over!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Lily's first water park!

Friday Mike and I took Lily to Ocean Breeze water park. This park is close to my heart, This park was where me and Mike met and fell in love six years ago. 

2004. Holy cow I was tan.

Lily had a blast! we also brought along my twin sister, and Madison and Dylan. Everyone had so much fun and i'm glad we thought of it. We only went from about 5-7:30 pm it was perfect because it wasn't as hot outside, and the crowds were a little smaller. We spent most of our time in the kiddie section, but mike did go ride some of the bigger rides with Madison. that girl loves her some Jungle Falls.

Lily and Dylan LOVED little amazon. They just sat in the tubes and giggled away. 

Having so much fun!

Lily also really loved these little bouncy seat things they have set up...

Me and Mike decided next summer we are going to get season passes. Lily will be between 16-18 months next summer and it'll be perfect to just go for a few hours in the mornings, she'll be running around having a  blast.

My sis and her babies enjoying the pool

cheesy smiles

Can't wait to go back again!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

6 months old! half a year!!

My Baby girl is 6 months old now! Oh my goodness!
( she was 6 months on the 13th, I'm late)

Things have gotten a little tougher in mommy land, she is much more fussy and just doesn't seem as happy. I'm not sure what's going on but to be honest, this is the first time that being a mom has really exhausted me. Our biggest issues are her eating habits have changed a lot. She is now not eating baby food or cereal, when she was chowing down before. I don't think it's a flavor thing because she has had tons and has been eating the baby food and cereal for almost 2 months now. She is also only eating 4 oz at random times and is off her day time schedule, besides naps, they have still been happening around the same time as normal. Our other issue is bed time. She used to go down SO easy. We would just lay her down after her night time feeding and bam she was out. Now she'll maybe eat 2 oz at bedtime the tosses and turns sometimes cries for 20 minutes or so. some nights we have to go up and rock her a little, some times she can just  fall asleep on her own. She isn't sleeping as well anymore, I'm assuming because maybe she isn't eating as much? But she is now waking up around 5:30 am then eating and going back to sleep until about 8. I am hoping it's just a phase that will soon pass.

Other than that she is moving and a shaking! she's so active. Here is the new things she's doing at 6 months old!

She is 16 lbs 10 oz (60th)
She is 26 inches tall ( 56th)
She is pretty much sitting up on her own
She is pushing up on her arms during tummy time but hasn't come up on her knees at all yet.
She loves toys that light up and make music.
She LOVES her feet and they are ALWAYS in her hands.
She is in size 3 diapers.
She loves when I sing patty cake. She always giggles :)
She has attempted a sippy cup, and high chair ( more about those in my next post.)
She is learning to throw little mini hissy fits. If a toy or something she wants is taken away she will start to cry. poor baby ha.

She also had her first water park adventure, I'll post about that soon!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

bad bad blogger.

I have been EXHAUSTED.Which is the reason for my lack of post. BUT I have tons pictures, including Lily's first time in a highchair, using a sippy cup and first time at a water park. PLUS her 6 month post. I' ll be a busy bee starting tomorrow. But for now... bedtime!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Birthday boy!

I've been a bad blogger. I  haven't kept up with posting. I've been pretty busy between work, Lily Pie and helping My sister  with my nephews birthday. His Birthday was Saturday The 7th ( yes I'm almost a week late!) and I just can't believe he is One! The poor baby wasn't feeling too well. He isn't sick, But he has developed a lactose intolerance. He has thrown up soooo much over the past week. His doctor changed him to soy Formula/ Milk and so far he is doing much better. But because of all the vomiting he has lost a good amount of weight, so now we're trying to fatten him back up. On top of all that, he has to get tubes placed in his ears. After a year of almost constant ear infections, and fluid in his ear, he will hopefully get some relief from the tubes. Anyone have any experience with this? My sister is a little nervous about him getting it done.

Even though he had an upset tummy, He still seemed to enjoy his birthday.

My sweet Dylan, The day he was born
Me and Dylan on his First birthday!!

Lily had a blast at the party. Not only did she look adorable, But she loved all the attention she got! I can't believe she is going to be 6 months old tomorrow!

We had such a fun time!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

it's here! it's here!

Lily has a tooth! ahhhhhh! 

I woke up this morning and felt it! it's about half way out.
i'm off to bed now. Just wanted to share about my baby's no longer tooth less smile.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Could it be?

Could it be, that my sweet little girl may be on track to permently sleeping through the night?! 
She is now consistinly sleeping through the night about 4 times a weeks. while the other 3 she still wakes up around 3:30-4 ish and then goes right back down. It's really exciting me because this is the most she's ever slept through the night. ( hope I don't jinx myself, ha) Teething is still kicking her butt, and her stuffy nose isnt helping but hopefuly her nose gets better and those teeth poke through. her 2 bottom teeth are RIGHT THERE!

Little Lady is learning to push up on her arms!

On another note, I am at a loss when it comes to my living room. it's such an awkward shaped room and it really only has one real way that we can put the couch on, (due to the fire place and entrance to the kitchen.) and I just can't find a way that I like. Everything just looks strange. I'm thinking we will need to buy new furniture. maybe starting fresh will help us arrange it in a way that I like.